Wednesday 19 August 2015

A bit about me...Future Author (I hope)!

Hi All,

So I know that I haven't really introduced myself, highly rude of me! So sorry! 

Okay, where to begin? My name is not Alice, it was my late Nan's name...I decided to use it because I am somewhat at risk of being outed on a large scale if I use my given name, you see, I am a Computing Teacher. Any teacher who may read this will know how quickly word can travel within a school and it would be lovely to have a bit of anonymity for once.I also have other motivations, which any person who writes will surely understand? This is like my diary - a part of me that I do not wish everyone to see on a wide scale whilst still unvarnished. Which is the whole point in this blog in the first place to be honest (for the feedback!). Being a teacher - feedback is important to me. I feel like this is a laughable point but unless you are a teacher I don't think you will find it funny (har har).

Anyway, I am 23 years old (sadly, I am 24 in exactly 3 weeks today) and have established a career and been to university, attempted to gain some independence along the way and created myself a fall back plan...however, writing has always been something of a dream. I had an idea for my book a very long time ago, I started to plan it  when I was roughly 14 and it's developed and evolved along the way. The Connie whom I originally started to write about is nothing like the Constance that is the main character in my book. Please feel free to ask me about the changes, I still love some of my original ideas for Connie and her amazingness! 

Now, some of you may have noticed that it's summer (unless you are in the UK like myself and do not have a summer)...therefore the SUMMER HOLIDAYS which is why I am currently writing and finding the time to actually attempt to live my dream, however it's very difficult to do so when you are starting from the bottom (as I am sure many of you are aware), so please feel free to read my excerpts from my book and the back story of some of the characters, I am developing them along the way! Also, any input from you guys will be greatly appreciated! 

Many thanks in advance! 

Alice x

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